Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sirens & Mesh Bags

The other night we were watching TV and to our surprise Jesse mimicked a siren he heard. It caught us off guard, but we got a good laugh out of it.

He's been practicing his hand signs and gets so excited about it. He claps "yay!", waves goodbye and shows the milky sign. He does them randomly, but I'm working on getting him to show me milky when he wants milk. I ask him still and usually a smile confirms he wants milky.

Last night I worked late and while Issac was watching him he was playing with a mesh laundry bag and got stuck. Wouldn't you know the camera wasn't nearby, but we got a good laugh from that as well.

Aww the joys of parenting!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Falling Behind Already

Last Thursday 2/11/10 Jesse started making this funny face where he scrunches his nose and puckers his lips. It's the funniest thing.

Saturday 2/13/10 we took the kids to eat lunch and visited the beach. It was a little chilly, but when asked if they wanted to get out and walk in the sand Jesse was one who responded with "Yeah!"

Thursday 2/18/10 Poor little Jesse's teething so bad his little cheeks were so swollen. I've been trying to put his amber necklace on, but sometimes I forget and Daddy has a habit of pulling it out of his shirt when it's supposed to touch his skin to help. He's wearing it today and his cheeks aren't red at all or very swollen.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 2

This morning I woke up to a cuddly little birthday bub. Jesse is 9 months old today. He wakes up a little groggy, but sits straight up and then leans towards me and then just throws himself on me. He laid next to me for a while before we started to really wake up. It's sweet how he's starting to express emotions some. He's figured out he can bounce his paci on the kitchen floor. He likes banging on the oven door. He still has that magellan spot on his back, think that's what you call it. Tonight, he sat on the kitchen floor playing with apron while I finished up some work.

I still feel a little stuffy-headed, not sure what this is. I need to dust, but this is crazy sneezing and blowing nose a bunch. I want to feel well already. Maybe I picked up more than groceries at the store Sunday. Tonight I'm starting to feel somewhat better.

Hubby came home with a headache. He didn't eat all day. I don't like when he does that. It's one of my pet peeves.

I have a cute idea for Valentine's since Lizzy will be with us and we'll be driving her home that day. I'm going to buy a few boxes of children's valentine's and fill them out, some for hubby, some for Lizzy, some for Issac, and some for Jesse and then sometime Saturday night or super early Sunday I'm going to toss them all in the car with some treats for each one of them. That way when we load up the car to take Lizzy home we'll all be surprised to see all the valentine's and goodies for each of them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Our Start

Someone posted this to a group I belong to today: I read in a magazine where this family got 365 notecards, dated them all with each day of the year. Every day they'd write something fun or memorable from the day. Ex: Oliver got his first tooth, we went to the zoo today, We saw Gma & gpa... Then, the next year they write on the same card...So, every Feb 2nd, they write on the same card until it fills up, then just add another card behind that one with the same date.

I love this idea and wanted to begin today. I'm hoping this blog will give me a place to keep my daily journal. That way I can scrapbook it later.

Today was rainy and yucky and hubby and I felt yucky. My back and neck hurt, making my head hurt. I spent most of the day sneezing and blowing my nose. I did snag a good steal on I was able to purchase some gDiapers which I originally wanted to use, but hadn't done my homework on and ended up using disposable diapers (gasp!). I'm excited to try them.

Hubby came home early to get some work done at home, he has a busy day tomorrow. He played with Jesse all night since I had to work late.

Jesse played well today. He gave me the biggest hug today and was really holding me tight, it was very sweet. He did not want to go to bed tonight though. He fell asleep about 8 pm and I warned hubby that it was too close to his bedtime, not to let him sleep too long and he put up quite a fight. I think we went to bed at 11:30 pm and he finally fell asleep about midnight. I hope tomorrow's better.